
Writing on startups, tech, product and things that interest us.


Friday, October 11, 2024
Discovering my love for startups was an *ikigai* moment—the perfect intersection of what I love, what I do best, and what I believe I can give to the world. The rumors are true - startups aren't perfect. But it's in this chaos that I find my most creative self flourishing.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
I love hackathons. I love the intense sleepless nights working on a project that I deeply care about. Winning hackathons also opened doors to work opportunities for me in ways unimaginable.
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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

5 Power-Packed Newsletters Fueling My Entrepreneurial Journey

I usually spend time thinking about ways I can do my best work. How can I reach out to more clients? How can I build trust? How can I achieve amazing results? A crucial step towards professional excellence involves surrounding ourselves with the right people, prioritizing our mental and physical health, and staying informed about relevant developments.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Subtle Art of Code Reviews đŸŒ±

Code reviewing for the first time in my life made me realize how difficult the task is. As a first-time code reviewer, I found myself staring at the code, pondering about what could be done to make it better. Feeling rather lost. I came up with some mediocre suggestions. Nothing too great. Nothing that I felt truly satisfied with suggesting.